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White Glove Delivery Service

Cura360's goal is to ensure convenience and exceptional customer service. As a result, they have introduced a new service category called White Glove Delivery. It aims to meet the unique needs of individuals seeking mobility aids such as electric scooters, powerchairs, manual wheelchairs, and walkers.

White Glove Delivery is more than just a typical delivery service. It encompasses a range of specialized services to ensure a seamless and hassle-free customer experience.

How Does White Glove Delivery Service Go Beyond Regular Delivery Options

White Glove Delivery Service goes beyond regular delivery options by providing customers with heightened care, attention, and convenience.

Here are specific details on how it achieves this goal:

Professional Handling

Trained professionals with expertise in the specific product category handle the entire delivery process. They understand the unique requirements of mobility aids like scooters, powerchairs, manual wheelchairs, and walkers, which ensures they manage the products carefully and precisely from start to finish. This professional handling minimizes the risk of damage during transportation

Assembly and Setup

Unlike standard delivery options where the customer is responsible for assembling the product, White Glove Delivery includes assembly and setup services. The delivery team will assemble the mobility aid according to the manufacturer's guidelines. This saves you the time and effort of deciphering complex assembly instructions. It also ensures that the product is ready to use immediately upon delivery.

Demonstration of Features and Operation

White Glove Delivery goes the extra mile by comprehensively demonstrating the product's features and operation. The delivery team will take the time to explain how to properly use and maintain the mobility aid, addressing any questions or concerns the customer may have. This personalized demonstration ensures that customers clearly understand how to make the most out of their new mobility aid.

Packaging Material Removal

Disposing of packaging materials can be a hassle, especially for large items like scooters or powerchairs. However, Cura360's White Glove Delivery takes care of this for you. The delivery team will not only assemble and set up the mobility aid but also remove and dispose of the packaging materials. This leaves customers with a clean and clutter-free space.

Attention to Detail

White Glove Delivery is characterized by its attention to detail. The delivery team takes the time to execute every aspect of the delivery process meticulously. They carry every step with precision, from handling the product with care to setting it up correctly and providing a thorough demonstration. This level of attention to detail contributes to a seamless customer experience.

How Much Does White Glove Delivery Cost

The delivery cost is indicated on each product page. However, this cost can vary depending on various factors, such as the size and weight of the product, the delivery location, and any additional services requested. You can confirm by calling Cura360's customer service team at 833-207-3433.

Who Needs White Glove Delivery

Here are some specific cases where individuals may benefit from White Glove Delivery:

People with Limited Mobility

Ideally, receiving and setting up a mobility aid for people with limited mobility is challenging. As such, White Glove Delivery eliminates the need for such customers to handle the assembly and set up themselves. Instead, the delivery team handles these tasks, ensuring the mobility aid is fully assembled and ready to use.

The Elderly

Elderly individuals may find it difficult to handle the assembly and setup of mobility aids due to physical limitations or unfamiliarity with technology. But White Glove Delivery gives them peace of mind by offering professional assistance, allowing them to use the equipment without any hassle.

Individuals with Disabilities

People with disabilities may have specific requirements or need personalized assistance in setting up their mobility aids. White Glove Delivery considers these needs, providing trained professionals knowledgeable about the specific features and operation of the mobility aids. They provide a tailored demonstration and address any questions or concerns the customer may have.

Busy People

White Glove Delivery is also ideal for individuals with busy schedules or limited time available for product setup. Customers can rely on the delivery team to handle these tasks efficiently instead of spending valuable time deciphering assembly instructions and setting up the mobility aid. This allows them to focus on other priorities.

Those Who Seek Convenience

This delivery service appeals to customers who prioritize convenience and exceptional service. By opting for this service, you can enjoy a hassle-free experience where their mobility aid is delivered, assembled, set up, and demonstrated by professionals. It saves them time, effort, and potential frustration associated with handling the setup themselves.

How to Select White Glove Delivery on Cura360

Selecting White Glove Delivery on Cura360 is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you:

  • Visit the Cura360 website: Open your preferred web browser and go to the official Cura360 website
  • Browse the product categories: Navigate to the category corresponding to the mobility aid you are interested in. This may include scooters, powerchairs, manual wheelchairs, or walkers. You can typically find these categories in the main menu or by using the search function on the website.
  • Explore product options: Within the selected product category, browse through the available products to find the one that suits your needs. Click on the product title to access the product page for detailed information.
  • Check delivery options: On the product page, scroll down. Here, you will find a range of shipping and delivery choices available for the product, including the White Glove Delivery option.
  • Select White Glove Delivery:Click on the option to choose White Glove Delivery. By choosing this option, you indicate your preference for the premium delivery service.
  • Proceed to checkout:This process typically involves providing your shipping address, contact information, and payment details. Follow the prompts on the website to complete the checkout process.
  • Confirm the order: Review your order summary to ensure all the details, including the selected White Glove Delivery option, are accurate. If everything looks correct, confirm your order.

Afterward, you will receive an order confirmation and any additional information regarding the White Glove Delivery service. For further queries or concerns about the delivery or need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact Cura360's customer service team. They will be able to provide you with the necessary support and address any inquiries you may have.

Common FAQs About White Glove Delivery

What is White Glove Delivery?

White Glove Delivery is a premium service that goes beyond traditional delivery options. It includes professional handling, assembly, setup, and even a demonstration of the product's features. This service provides convenience and exceptional customer service, ensuring your mobility aid is delivered and set up with the utmost care and attention to detail.

How much does White Glove Delivery cost

The cost of White Glove Delivery can vary depending on factors such as the size and weight of the product and the delivery location. So, it's essential to check the specific cost on the product page or contact Cura360's customer service team for accurate pricing information.

Is White Glove Delivery available for all products

White Glove Delivery is available for specific product categories like scooters, powerchairs, manual wheelchairs, and walkers.

Can I track my White Glove Delivery

Yes, Cura360 provides tracking information for White Glove Delivery orders. Upon processing and shipping of your order, you will receive tracking details that allow you to monitor the progress of your delivery. This ensures that you can stay informed about the estimated delivery date and any updates regarding your shipment.

Will the delivery team dispose of the packaging materials

Yes, the delivery team will remove and dispose of the packaging materials associated with your mobility aid. This saves you the hassle of handling and disposing of the packaging, leaving you with a clean environment. However, you have the right to decide what to do with the materials.

What if there are issues with my White Glove Delivery

In case of missing or damaged items, it is crucial to contact Cura360's customer service team promptly at 833-207-3433. They will assist you in resolving any concerns and ensuring that you receive the appropriate support or replacements, if necessary.

Can I change or cancel my White Glove Delivery order

If you need to make changes or cancel your order, it is best to reach out to Cura360's customer service team as soon as possible. They will guide you through the process and provide information on the options available to you.