Does Sunscreen Causes Vitamin D Deficiency

Sunscreen is one of the beauty products that has made it necessary for people to apply before going out in the sun. Sunscreen was being hailed as the most needed beauty product until some studies put a little shade on it. A rumor was spread that prolonged use of sunscreen can cause our body to lose the ability to synthesize vitamin D, in turn resulting in vitamin D deficiency.

Simply the study shows, Does sunscreen causes vitamin D Deficiency goes like, Sunscreen creates a layer of UV ray blocker that doesn’t allow UV rays from the sun to enter our body but for our body to synthesize vitamin D some of those UV ray is necessary. Cura360 will shed some light on it so apply your sunscreen or wait till the end to understand if the rumours are true or not.

Relation between Skin and Vitamin D

When it comes to essential nutrients vitamin D is one of them, Vitamin D can be consumed through food but let’s talk about the sun. The UV rays present in sunlight induce the production of vitamin D in the body.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and it increases sufficient levels of calcium and phosphorus in the body. According to some studies for a fair person five minutes of sun exposure, twice or thrice a week is enough for our body to produce the needed level of vitamin D. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of vitamin D.

  • Bone Health: One of the most well known benefits of vitamin D is its crucial role in maintaining strong and healthy bones. It helps the body absorb calcium, a mineral vital for bone formation and density. Without adequate vitamin D, the body struggles to absorb calcium efficiently, which can lead to weakened bones and an increased risk of conditions like osteoporosis and fractures.
  • Immune System Support: Vitamin D is involved in the functioning of the immune system. It helps regulate the immune response and may play a role in defending the body against infections, including respiratory illnesses.
  • Mood and Mental Health: There is growing evidence to suggest that vitamin D may have a positive impact on mood and mental health. Low levels of vitamin D have been linked to an increased risk of depression and other mood disorders. Some studies suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may help improve mood and reduce the risk of depressive symptoms.
  • Heart Health: Vitamin D may contribute to cardiovascular health by helping to regulate blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Some research suggests that sufficient vitamin D levels may be associated with a lower risk of heart disease.
  • Cancer Prevention: While the research is ongoing, there is some evidence to suggest that adequate vitamin D levels may be associated with a reduced risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colon, and prostate cancer.
  • Autoimmune Disease Prevention: Some autoimmune diseases, like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, have been linked to low vitamin D levels. Adequate vitamin D intake may help reduce the risk of developing these conditions.
  • Muscle Strength and Function: Vitamin D is essential for muscle health. It plays a role in muscle strength and function, which can impact mobility and overall physical performance.
  • Respiratory Health: There is some evidence to suggest that vitamin D may play a role in respiratory health and may help reduce the risk of respiratory infections and conditions like asthma.
  • Pregnancy and Child Development: Adequate vitamin D during pregnancy is important for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth. It may also reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy.
  • Overall Well Being: Vitamin D contributes to overall well being by supporting various bodily functions and systems. Maintaining optimal levels of vitamin D can lead to increased energy levels, improved immune function, and an enhanced sense of vitality.

What if you’ve Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency can manifest through a range of symptoms that affect various aspects of your health. Common signs include bone and muscle pain, weakness, and an increased risk of fractures. You might also experience fatigue, mood changes such as depression and irritability, and difficulties with concentration and memory.

Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema may worsen, and joint pain can become a problem. In severe cases, bone softening (osteomalacia) can occur. Recognizing these symptoms is essential, as addressing a vitamin D deficiency through sunlight exposure, dietary changes, or supplements can significantly improve your overall well being and prevent long term health issues.

Now that we know vitamin D deficiency can be dangerous for your health, we also know that we need some UV rays so our body can synthesize vitamin D so that means applying sunscreen must result in vitamin D deficiency, right? Cura360 will help you debunk this myth.

Debunking the rumours

Debunking the rumours

While some studies helped the rumors take off, while some dermatologists shot it down. This study has shown that people even after applying a thick layer of sunscreen showed up to have adequate levels of vitamin D.

Generally, people apply sunscreen that is not sufficient enough and they do re-apply it after routinely sweating and most of them are sun-exposed areas that are not protected by a layer of sunscreen so it’s very rare even after daily usage of sunscreen you will have vitamin D deficiency. Some studies even showed that regular usage of sunscreen allows you to reduce the risk of sunburns, tans, pigmentation, and skin cancer.

Food rich in Vitamin D

While you may still worry about applying sunscreen and checking your vitamin D level, always remember some foods can work as alternatives to the sun such as Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent choices, providing a substantial amount of vitamin D. Additionally, fortified dairy products like milk, yogurt, and some plant based milk alternatives are enriched with vitamin D. Egg yolks contain this nutrient as well, though in smaller amounts. While natural food sources of vitamin D are somewhat limited, incorporating these options into your diet can help maintain optimal vitamin D levels


In conclusion, sunscreen does not cause vitamin D deficiency unless you’re applying sunscreen on your whole body and with an hour interval but that’s a bit extreme. We’ve also learned that vitamin D is good for your bone health, immune system, respiratory system, and much more. If you’re suffering from vitamin D deficiency you can get it from food otherwise if you want an additional punch of vitamin D, supplements are the best way to go.

So, take charge of your skin health today and explore the Cura360 skincare section or Consult with your healthcare professional. Visit Cura360 for useful product information and photos of skincare products. At Cura360, we are waiting to help you make the perfect decision regarding your health and if you’re looking for something more than just your skin, Cura360 is one stop destination for you.

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