How to Properly Disinfect Your Mobility Devices

While life is slowly getting back to normal from the COVID-19 pandemic, facilities are opening again as more and more citizens are being administered the vaccine. However, it is still important to remain vigilant on cleanliness.  Keeping your mobility devices such as wheelchairs, power wheelchairs, mobility scooters, seat cushions and walkers, clean is not only restricted to prevention of further covid spread but to keep all types of germs at bay–not to mention maintaining good working order of your product. Here we will cover some proper device sanitization techniques to keep your device clean and in good working order.

  • Start in a well-ventilated area, away from others that may be around.
  • Wear a mask to avoid inhalation of any cleaning products, as well as use gloves–disposable nitrile gloves or any household gloves will work.
  • Use a disinfectant spray* (most any from your local grocery store will work) and a clean terry cloth.
  • Perform a spot check! Spray a bit onto a very small spot on your device and wait for a moment. Use the cloth to wipe down the spot and wait another moment–make sure there is no discoloration or visible corrosion.
  • Once it’s determined that the spray is safe to use on your device, lightly spray your entire device (note: avoid spraying directly onto any LED displays or electrical controlls.) Use your towel to carefully wipe and dry everything.
  • Use this cleaning process when you feel your device has been around many people, such as crowds or busy sidewalks.
  • Some areas may need a bit more attention if there is dust or dirt in areas near the wheels.

By following these steps, you can ensure your device will be sanitized and ready to use again around the general public. Not only will it help keep you away from germs, it will help those around you as well! Happy cleaning!

*Be sure to read your owner’s manual before using cleaning products as some devices may have restrictions on the type of cleaner used.